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Hi, I am Deepen Sharma (@deedeepls), Fashion Artist from Mumbai, India.
My Vision is a blend of fashion, beauty and mysticism. From makeup to taking advanced selfie,

I like to channel my inner 90's Supermodel in my fantasy world and love to create visuals. 

I identify as gender fluid, and this helps me flow through everything in life with balance and harmony.


After completing Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design and PMGC in 2013,

I have been working as a freelance Fashion Illustrator and

the Faculty of Digital Design in Whistling Woods International School of Fashion, Mumbai.


You can also watch me on Myntra Fashion Superstar (Season 1)

Clients include: 


Maybelline New York India,

House of Anita Dongre,

Consulate of France (Bombay),

Whistling Woods International School of Fashion,

Payal Singhal,


Verve India Magazine,

Rabacha Shoes Paris,

 Ecole Francais Internationale de Bombay (EFIB),

Nikhil Thampi,

Prerto Jewellery,

Nikita Mhaisalkar,

Swati Vijaivargie,

Bloni Atelier,

Darya London Jewellery,

Vibrance Fashion Nouveau (Dubai),

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